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There is a single word that describes my work in the world:


I have spent the last 20+ years helping people shine during some of the most important moments of their lives—whether that was helping a client prepare for a judge’s seat on American Idol, a “casual chat” on Real Time with Bill Maher, or a shot at glory on the TED, TEDx and TEDGlobal stages.

I believe that the ability to communicate well has become the number-one sought-after soft skill of our time. And not just in the workplace, but in their personal lives too. People want to be spellbinding, charismatic and authentic in front of an audience and in a one-on-one conversation. Bottom line: people just want to shine.

My superpower is helping people communicate in a way that breaks through the static of our everyday lives. I believe that inside of each of us is a clear, compelling voice capable of influencing even the toughest audience. I will show you how to access that voice, so that truth can be spoken to power any time, all the time.

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Over the past 20 years, I have worked with hundreds of people, logging thousands of coaching hours, but my work has always had a singular focus: to help each person shine.

It’s what great communicators do.

We shine when two things happen simultaneously: 1) we are completely authentic, and 2) we hold an audience’s full attention.

In fact, what I’ve discovered is that when we know how to shine, we know how to stand in our

own power. But for too many of us, just making a point during a meeting, or voicing a dissenting opinion in book club causes our heart rates to rise... our palms to sweat. And getting up to a microphone to give a keynote? Certain death.

This magical state of being both completely authentic AND captivating shouldn’t just be reserved for those other worldly, next-level humans whom we assume were born with that sparkle, that “fearlessness.” (Note: There’s no such thing.)

That magical state is available to all of us.

Whether it’s through my podcast Twenty Minutes with Bronwyn, or from a stage in front of a thousand people, or a small gathering in a conference room, it is my life’s work to share the tools and techniques required to shine as brightly as possible.


“Bronwyn’s energy is infectious and her keynotes are powerful and effective. Each time we bring her in to speak, we walk away with new insights into how we can shine brighter.”

Lenys Alcoreza
United Healthcare



Audience A.D.D. & the New Rules of Public Speaking

In an era of collapsing attention spans, we know instinctively that the old rules of presenting no longer apply. Bronwyn offers a new set of guidelines and skills that will help attendees bypass the attention span altogether, empowering them to communicate in ways that break through the static of every day life. Using a blend of engaged teaching and group discussion, this session offers a fresh take on how best to develop and deliver content that is arresting, repeatable, and compelling. This is Audience Empathy : ensuring that content honors the needs of the audience, and the way people learn, process, and remember new information. 

Active Listening & The Power of Real-Time Curiosity

A study conducted by George Washington University found that listening can influence up to 40% of a leader’s job performance (Inc Mag-2016). Yet most of us are woefully unskilled at the simple act of listening. Bronwyn offers a new approach to active listening that can transform our presence in a meeting, presentation or interview. In this session, we learn how to skillfully manage conflict, skepticism and pushback, without losing confidence, presence and focus.

Voice & Leadership

This workshop gets at the heart of who we are when we stand in front of the room. We examine what it means to have “presence,” and the role that our authentic “voice” plays in our development as leaders. We also explore the habits that hold us back from clear, compelling communication, and look closely at what is gained from maintaining these behaviors, but also what they cost us. During the workshop in small groups to make practical plans to begin 1) to notice the behaviors and triggers and 2) to make conscious choices, even under pressure, to communicate in ways that are less limiting.

Next-Level Living:
Own Your Goals, Manage Your Fears

This workshop helps participants to make concrete plans to take their work lives to the next level. Too often we set goals or dream big without coming face to face with our own “inner saboteur.” This workshop encourages each person to play big while diving deep into the aspects of our personalities that hold us back. Each participant will walk away with greater insight into their own behaviors and a new skillset for coping with the ways we limit ourselves.


For over fifteen years, Bronwyn has helped high-profile clients prepare for big moments on camera (American Idol, Real Time with Bill Maher, Bloomberg TV, CNBC’s Power Lunch, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Home Shopping Network), and has midwifed over 120 TEDx, TED Global and TED talks. Bronwyn's superpower is helping people communicate in a way that breaks through the static of our everyday lives. In 20 Minutes with Bronwyn, you will get a steady dose of high voltage, practical (and highly irreverent) advice to help you dismantle the communication habits that are holding you back, while giving you the skills you need to shine.

Listen to 20 Minutes with Bronwyn here