My Favorite Reads of 2019

I read some GREAT books this year.

And given that we are closing out a decade, I figured I’d go big this time. I’ve got 10 non-fiction and 10 fiction recommendations for you as we move into 2020. They are in no particular order, because that would be like telling you which of my children I prefer. They were all that good. Take a gander, and let me know what’s missing, what’s a HELL YEAH, and where you disagree with my choices. I love all feedback. ;)

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How to Think Like a Poet : My Conversation with Tina Chang

Friends, we are standing at the edge of 2019, about to leap over to 2020. It’s been a wild decade. A lot has happened. A lot will happen. It’s enough to make your head spin, if you let it. But here in this moment, I don’t want to blast your brains with talk of decades in review, or maximizing productivity, as we bid a Thank You, Next to the last ten years. Instead, I invite you into a place of relative quiet, to listen to my conversation with the amazing Tina Chang.

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